Red with Kathryn was the star of the the weekend. He finished 2nd in a really competitive Open Novice. He was really good in the dressage to score a 28, and he jumped a fab double clear. Barbury was his last novice run and he definately proved us right that it is time to step up to Intermediate level.
I had 3 horses in the CIC**. Cult Rewind was really fresh and spooky in the dressage to score a 50, then jumped a really nice clear round show jumping. He was flying cross country but I took a really bad line coming in to a combination a he didn’t understand where to jump the B element. Really annoying 20 penalties!!!!!!!! But I’m happy anyway, he jumped the rest of the course really well.
Platoon was amazing in all 3 phases. He scored a 51 in the dressage – I’m really pleased with that because it’s not his easiest phase. He show jumped a beautiful clear round and he stormed around the cross country to finish 9th in a really competitive section.
Mistralou was competing in his first 2* and he didn’t go bad at all. A few green mistake in the dressage to score a 56, 2 unlucky rails in the show jumping and a nice clear cross country.